National Emergencies Trust

Appeal Partners resources

Thank you for joining us as an Appeal Partner!
You're now on board with the National Emergencies Trust

We’re really excited to be working with you! As you know, the National Emergencies Trust's Appeal Partners form a community of invaluable corporate supporters and national bodies who will play a role supporting the Trust during emergency appeals. This ranges from raising awareness and funds, to helping signpost people affected to the support available. 


During our last appeal, our corporate supporters helped us to raise over £100 million and touch the lives of more than 13 million people affected by the pandemic in communities across the UK. In formalising our relationships with corporate supporters and national bodies as Appeal Partners, we are confident that together, in our next appeal, we can achieve similar success and help as many people as possible in a time of great need.

Here's a message from our CEO, Mhairi:

Your bespoke partner resources

We’re excited to share our communications assets in support of the Appeal Partners programme. Here you can find resources providing everything you need to support National Emergencies Trust and tell the world you're proudly an Appeal Partner.

Your Appeal Plan

Here you can find your bespoke Appeal Plan and Appeal Partners information pack, summarising how we will come together at speed to help those affected by a national emergency.

Brand Guidelines

Here are the National Emergencies Trust's Brand Guidelines and our logo (in various formats), should you wish to use them elsewhere across your marketing materials (this is encouraged!)

Social media toolkit

Our suggested social media posts and assets, telling the world you are an Appeal Partner, can be found here. We also encourage you to please share the Trust’s own posts across social media (links to our profiles at bottom of this page).

Appeal Hub quick link

Here's a quick link to our Appeal Hub. Should we launch an appeal in response to a national disaster, the button below takes you directly through to a centralised resource centre, where you can find everything you need to support our appeal.


If you have any questions or fancy a chat, here are some friendly faces at the National Emergencies Trust who will happily chat through the Appeal Partners Programme.
